Parliamentary Task Force on DRM for Health in Africa

Group of parliamentarians and civil society representative at a regional dialogue on domestic resource mobilization.

About the Task Force

The Regional Parliamentarians Task Force on Domestic Resource Mobilization for Health in Africa was launched on the sidelines of the African Union Summit in July 2023, following a high-level regional dialogue on increasing financing for health in Africa.

The session brought together parliamentarians and civil society to chart a path toward increasing health financing in Africa, with a particular focus on domestic resource mobilization (DRM) for health. It was facilitated by the Global Fund Advocates Network (GFAN) Africa, which is hosted by WACI Health.

The establishment of the Parliamentary Task Force marks a critical milestone in advancing DRM efforts in the region through political leadership. Members are pushing toward sustainable health financing, particularly for programs addressing HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria.

Advocacy priorities include strengthening community health systems, incorporating universal health coverage into national policies, and bridging gaps in health programs. The Task Force also serves as a platform for sharing best practices across countries and fosters collaboration with civil society organizations.

Countries currently represented in the Task Force include Cameroon, Côte D’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Niger, Senegal, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. WACI Health coordinates the Task Force, which operates under a structured framework with subcommittees and biannual meetings to track progress and align strategies.

The initiative builds strong partnerships between parliamentarians, civil society organizations, and international bodies, enhancing the effectiveness of advocacy and resource mobilization efforts. It is a critical avenue to strengthen regional momentum on domestic health financing.

Parliamentarians on the Task Force have been raising awareness about the importance of health financing and working to influence budget allocation processes in African Union member countries. They are engaging in individual advocacy efforts, such as writing editorial pieces for national media, and coordinating around key regional opportunities, such as a session at the International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA).

Nairobi Declaration

The Nairobi Declaration is the main outcome document of the launch. All 18 Members of Parliament present at the launch of the Task Force signed the Nairobi Declaration to demonstrate their support for the DRM agenda and commitment to its progress.

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Launch Report

The Launch Report provides a summary of the high-level regional dialogue and the context leading up to the launch of the parliamentary task force. It includes highlights from presentations at the event, including testimonies and country case studies on health financing efforts presented at the session.

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