WACI Health is an Africa regional advocacy organization, which influences political priorities through an effective, evidence-driven Pan-African civil society voice and action. We champion the end of life-threatening epidemics, and improved health outcomes for all in Africa.

Strategic Goals

Increased resources for health – by advocating with governments and international agencies to step up their investments in health

Adoption of regional and national polices and reforms that improve health and equity – by defining and advocating for progressive policy change

Enhanced accountability in health governance and delivery – ensuring that commitments, investments and policies translate into practice, and into equitable health impact

Health Systems that are equitable and responsive to people’s needs – ensuring that health systems work for people

Core Values











Our Vision

Health For All in Africa

Our Mission

WACI Health exists to champion the end of life-threatening epidemics and health for all in Africa by influencing political priorities through an effective, evidence-driven Pan-African civil society voice and action.

Key Pillars

Our theory of change is flexible and interconnected, with our strategic goals driving global health impact across the following pillars:

Strengthening Civil Society

Promoting Justice and Equity

Innovation and Learning
Nurturing Leadership
Functioning Organisation


Through strategic partnerships across Africa and globally, we convene and coordinate civil society for impactful advocacy. Our platforms facilitate national, regional, and global input into key decision-making processes and policy change.