The full-time Staff is in charge of running our affairs.

Staff work in compliance with WACI Health’s charter and under the guidance of the Board of Directors. Get to know the members of our team here.

  • Rosemary Mburu
    Rosemary Mburu
    Executive Director
  • Tabeth Chitimbe
    Tabeth Chitimbe
    Finance and Administrative Manager
  • Joyce Ng’ang’a
    Joyce Ng’ang’a
    Senior Policy Advisor
  • Nombasa Gxuluwe
    Nombasa Gxuluwe
    Programs Manager
  • Carthi Mannikarottu
    Carthi Mannikarottu
    Communications Lead
  • Fitsum Lakew Alemayehu
    Fitsum Lakew Alemayehu
    AU Liaison Manager
  • Robinson Mwaniki
    Robinson Mwaniki
    ICT Advisor
  • Laura Philidor
    Laura Philidor
    CSEM Advocacy and Communications Officer
  • Gloria Mululu
    Gloria Mululu
    Programs Officer
  • David Kabera
    David Kabera
    Policy and Advocacy Officer
  • Munashe Mhaka
    Munashe Mhaka
    Policy and Advocacy Officer
Rosemary Mburu
Executive Director
Based in Nairobi, Kenya, Rosemary Mburu is a global health advocate and civil society leader in Africa, dedicated to building political will for improved health outcomes across the continent. Her expertise spans conducting policy analysis, garnering political support for health, influencing decision-making processes, mobilizing civil society and community voices for action, and promoting good participatory practices in clinical trials.
Rosemary has extensively worked on supporting civil society to engage with decision-makers at community, national, regional, and global levels. She is a civil society organizer working on building and strengthening civil society networks and platforms for health-related advocacy and campaigning in Africa.

She builds spaces that facilitate African civil society’s leadership in global health and works to create political will towards improved health outcomes for all in Africa by engaging with governments, key multilateral and bilateral institutions, and other decision-makers.

Rosemary has served in various capacities within the global health architecture including on the UHC2030 Steering Committee as a CSO representative, the UNITAID Communities Advisory Group, GAVI CSO Steering Committee, and the Vaccine Advocacy Resource Group (VARG). She has also served as an advisor for the (i) the Lancet Commission on a synergistic approach to universal health coverage, health security, and health promotion; (ii) the WHO Advisory Group for SDG3 Global Action Plan R&D, Innovation and Access Accelerator.

Rosemary has co-authored several peer-reviewed journal articles including on global health in the age of Covid-19 (Health and Human Rights Journal); clinical trial ethics (International Journal of Clinical Practice); investments in HIV Prevention Research (African Journal of Reproductive Health); Biomedical HIV Prevention (BMC Proceedings); and primary health care  (Lancet Global Health blog).

Rosemary is currently pursuing a Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) in Public Health and Leadership at the University of North Carolina. She holds a Master of Public Health (MPH) from Ohio University, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Frostburg State University, and a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) from Kenyatta University.

Tabeth Chitimbe
Finance and Administrative Manager

Based in Cape Town, South Africa, Tabeth Chitimbe is an experienced administrator, a chartered development finance analyst and a risk practitioner,  whose key responsibilities include budgeting, financial systems management, and organizational reporting for WACI Health. She brings a deep understanding of financial, strategic, and human resource management, specializing in the development of financial systems, processes, and organizational policies that enhance operational efficiency and accountability. 

Tabeth holds a Master’s degree in Strategic Management majoring in Finance and a Bachelor’s degree in Finance and Banking. Tabeth is a registered member of the Chartered Institute of Development Finance (CIDEF) and the Institute of Risk Management South Africa, as well as a student member of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA) of London.

Joyce Ng’ang’a
Senior Policy Advisor

Based in Nairobi, Kenya, Joyce Ng’an’ga serves as WACI Health’s Senior Policy Advisor, leading advocacy efforts on specific priority issues and working closely with WACI Health colleagues. She represents WACI Health in engagements with high-profile policymakers, practitioners, think tanks, academic partners, the media, and the public. 

Joyce collaborates with ACTION Global Health Partnership advocates to support the development of WACI Health’s advocacy strategies and activities on ACTION-related priority issues. She also works with partners to coordinate advocacy and public campaigns on WACI Health’s priority themes across different countries, manages policy and advocacy efforts, and supervises temporary staff and interns.

With 10 years of experience in development work, Joyce has implemented projects on maternal and child health, sustainable livelihoods, girl child education, economic empowerment, and sexual reproductive health for adolescents, girls, and young women. Her key strengths include advocacy, capacity development for startup organizations and community projects, and experience in working with national and county governments. She has implemented projects at international, national, and grassroots levels.

Joyce is a Registered Community Health Nurse in Kenya with an undergraduate degree in Health Systems Management.

Nombasa Gxuluwe
Programs Manager

Based in Cape Town, South Africa, Nombasa Gxuluwe serves as WACI Health’s Program Manager. She is a Health and Human Rights activist and has been active in the field since 2003.

Nombasa’s key responsibilities include strengthening the capacity of civil society and communities around critical health and development issues, including HIV, human rights, gender-based violence (GBV), ending violence against women and girls, and health financing. She has extensive experience in campaigning, lobbying, and advocacy and has worked with diverse community groups, including traditional leaders, the LGBTI community, and People Living with HIV/AIDS.

Nombasa holds a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Honours in Educational Psychology.

Carthi Mannikarottu
Communications Lead

Carthi Mannikarottu serves as WACI Health’s Communications Lead. Previously, she was the Advocacy and Communications Officer at the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030 (CSEM) secretariat, co-hosted by WACI Health.

Carthi acted as the focal point for civil society and community representatives on the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator. For over five years, she was engaged with UNICEF’s HIV and AIDS section on knowledge management, advocacy, and communications. Prior to this role, she was an associate in the development and expansion team of the ACTION Global Health Partnership, hosted by RESULTS Educational Fund. She began her career at TogoRun, a boutique strategic communications agency specialized in health.

Carthi holds a Master of Public Health (MPH) with a health policy analysis concentration from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Science (BSc.) in Global Health from the University of Pennsylvania.

Fitsum Lakew Alemayehu
AU Liaison Manager

Based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Fitsum Alemayehu serves as WACI Health’s Liaison Manager to the African Union Commission (AUC) and coordinates the African Civil Society Platform for Health (CiSPHA).

Fitsum represents WACI Health in various technical working groups, including the Specialized Technical Committee for Health, the African Leadership Meeting (ALM) Advocacy and Communication and Private Sector Engagement subcommittees, the Hepatitis Technical Working Group (TWG), the RMNCH Taskforce, and the Health, Nutrition, and Population Partnership within the African Union. He is also involved with the Coalition of Advocates for Global Health and Pandemic Preparedness and has convened African CSOs toward the UN-HLM political declaration on Pandemic Preparedness and Response. Additionally, he facilitated the inaugural One Africa TB Summit, which resulted in Africa’s first CSO Common Position on TB, addressing the UN-HLM TB Political Declaration and guiding Africa’s TB response.

Currently, Fitsum consults for the Global Fund’s Country Coordinating Mechanism of Ethiopia (CCM/E), positioning it within Ethiopia’s health governance structures. His efforts include mapping health governance structures and facilitating a national workshop to define roles and responsibilities across constituencies, supporting a smooth transition of the CCM/E. Fitsum has also been a steering group member for CSOs and local authorities for the 6th AU-EU Summit, which later evolved into an Advisory Group for CSOs in AU-EU Partnerships. He coordinated a CSO working group under the AU’s Economic, Social, and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC), producing a policy booklet on the 2022 theme, Year of Nutrition. He currently serves as a CSO focal point for Africa CDC-CSO engagements and as an alternate member of the Ports2arms (P2A) Community Reference Group for Eastern Africa.

Fitsum has extensive experience in research, with numerous studies, evaluations, and needs assessments at the regional and national levels in education, livelihoods, health, and agriculture. He has consulted with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) to document good practices in “school-to-work transition” in three AU member states. Additionally, Fitsum was a member of the C-20 Health Working Group and served as a technical youth advisor for the Women and Youth TWG of the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) in 2015/16.

Fitsum is currently pursuing a Master of Arts (MA) in Environment and Sustainable Development at Addis Ababa University. He holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Rural Development and Family Science.

Robinson Mwaniki
ICT Advisor

Based in Nairobi, Kenya, Robinson Mwaniki serves as WACI Health’s ICT Advisor, specializing in optimizing digital footprints and driving effective communication strategies. With a strong emphasis on both internal and external communications, Robinson has a proven track record of enhancing organizational visibility and engagement through online platforms.

Robinson’s expertise lies in developing innovative solutions to strengthen WACI Health’s digital presence and amplify its message. He excels in managing campaign websites, strategically leveraging social media accounts, and utilizing existing brand platforms for advocacy purposes. Additionally, Robinson is adept at coordinating internal communications, analyzing communication systems, and implementing adjustments to improve overall efficiency.

With a comprehensive skill set and unwavering dedication, Robinson is committed to maximizing WACI Health’s digital footprint, increasing visibility, and fostering meaningful engagement across various online channels. His proficiency in digital communication and strategy makes him a valuable asset in achieving the organization’s objectives.

Laura Philidor
CSEM Advocacy and Communications Officer

Based in London Area, United Kingdom, Laura Philidor is the Advocacy and Communications Officer for the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030 (CSEM), co-hosted by WACI Health.

Laura brings half a decade of international experience in public relations and global communications, including in global health and human rights. Prior to joining the CSEM, Laura was a Youth Advocate at ONE Campaign where she advocated for the end of preventable diseases by 2030. She was also a public affairs researcher at IPSOS on international public health concerns before joining Rare Diseases International (RDI) to raise awareness of challenges faced by the over 300 million Persons Living with a Rare Disease (PLWRD) worldwide. At RDI, she was responsible for coordinating policy change campaigns in partnership with high-level international Institutions (such as WHO, UNESCO), decision-makers, patient organisations, and other stakeholders; supported several publications in influential newspapers.

Laura holds a double Master’s (MA) degree in Global Communications (MAGC) and Culture from CELSA (Communications and Journalism school) and Sorbonne Paris University.

Gloria Mululu
Programs Officer

Based in Nakuru, Kenya, Gloria Mululu serves as WACI Health’s Program Officer. She is an experienced Public and Occupational Health advocate with over a decade of experience.

Gloria’s skill set includes, but is not limited to, mobilization, content and curriculum development, bespoke training, program development, and implementation. Prior to joining WACI Health, she was involved in high-level and civil society advocacy for primary health care (PHC) at the national level.

Gloria is currently pursuing a Master of Science (MSc) in Public Health at the University of Nairobi and holds a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Communication and Psychology from the same institution.

David Kabera
Policy and Advocacy Officer

Based in Nairobi, Kenya, David Kabera serves as WACI Health’s Programs Assistant. He is a young advocate for global health, specifically health financing.

David’s responsibilities include strengthening the capacity of civil society and communities around key health and development issues, such as health financing, research and development, HIV, TB, and malaria, as well as youth advocacy for health. His background in Financial Engineering has enabled him to engage in research on health financing, specifically focusing on the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning with health systems.

David holds a Bachelor of Business Science (BBS) in Financial Engineering from Strathmore University.

Munashe Mhaka
Policy and Advocacy Officer

Based in Zimbabwe, Munashe Mhaka serves as the Policy and Advocacy Officer at WACI Health. She is involved in immunization advocacy initiatives and the Youth Leadership and Advocacy Programme (Under The Tree and AfNHi Youth Cohort Mentorship), which empowers young people through mentorship and training, equipping them to address various issues and key thematic areas within the health sector.

Munashe is a member of CASPR’s Young Women’s HIV Prevention Council (YWHPC), which addresses systemic issues related to biomedical HIV prevention research and informs product introduction, rollout, and equitable access based on the needs and priorities of adolescent girls and young women (AGYW).

Additionally, she is a skilled youth trainer with the Student Connect Trust (SCOT), where she facilitates leadership training for high school and tertiary students through seminars, workshops, counseling, and camps. She is also part of UNESCO’s pool of young trainers on meaningful youth engagement, delivering training to key stakeholders on how to work with and partner with young people in program design and implementation, notably with staff of international institutions.

Munashe holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Zimbabwe.