
Strengthened advocacy on domestic resource mobilization. 

Through the Civil Society Platform on Health in Africa (CiSPHA) and Global Fund Advocates Network (GFAN) Africa, we worked with civil society to advocate for increased domestic investments in health. We provided civil society partners with data and other advocacy tools, at the national and regional levels and also facilitated development of messages, including a blog on Domestic Resource Mobilisation. We worked with regional and national civil society platforms to support civil society and community engagement with decision makers at various levels. For example, through GFAN Africa, WACI Health provided technical and financial support to partners in Kenya, Tanzania and Senegal on domestic resource mobilization. These efforts contributed to strengthening of the Civil Society Health Platform in Senegal, which would later become an avenue for civil society and community engagement in the development of the National Health Financing Strategy. In Tanzania, this work contributed to the development of a Civil Society Platform on Domestic Resource Mobilization, which is set to facilitate and strengthen Civil society and community engagement in Domestic Resource Mobilization.


(DRM) advocacy. At the sidelines of the Africa Partnership and Coordination Forum in November 2017, WACI Health led a group of civil society Organizations in organizing a CSOs regional meeting on DRM. At the meeting, CSOs pulled together a position paper on DRM, which was then shared with a wide range of stakeholders at the main forum. The forum serves as a continental platform to chart a collective way forward, identify opportunities for joint action, advocate for continued political commitment, and coordinate the efforts of the different partners to improve the health outcomes in Africa. Participants are drawn from the African Union Commission and its organs, regional economic communities, multilateral and bilateral development partners, non-state actors, parliamentary sector, UN agencies, and regional networks of community groups.