CategoriesGFAN Africa

During the Global Action week, WACI Health convened a young people round table dubbed youth extravaganza that brought together differPicture1ent youth organizations ,adolescent girls ,and young women in Kenya  to learn more on how they could contribute to the success  of the Global fund objectives of fighting HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria. The meeting was an opportunity for the participants to interact with representatives from  from the Global Fund Secretariat ,and the Global Fund Advocates Network in Africa and to join in a fun filled activity of folding paper origamis that would later be sent to the embassies in solidarity ,and messaging of the 7th replenishment campaign.

From the meeting, the young people learnt that the Global Fund is involving young people through the youth council ,and through utilizing social media platforms to amplify the voices of young people to be involved in the #FightForWhatCounts campaign.

For the seventh replenishment the Global Fund needs a minimum of US$18 billion to get the world back on track toward ending HIV, TB ,and Malaria to build resilient ,sustainable systems for health ,and strengthen pandemic preparedness. The Global Fund investment case lays out important milestones ,and highlights the need to invest more funds into the Global Fund  as the main strategy to fight for what counts and protect everyone, everywhere from the deadliest infectious diseases and build a healthier, more equitable world.

Investing in health and community systems and specifically in pandemic preparedness is above all about making smart and sustainable investments in people. Putting people and communities at the center helps build the trust that is the vital foundation for any pandemic response. By combining increased investment in HIV, TB ,and Malaria interventions and strengthening systems for health with additional investments in pandemic preparedness through the Global Fund, we should maximize the impact of every dollar. Through this, we stand a chance of having a return on investment, i.e., for every dollar given 31 dollars will be given back in return once healthcare systems are fully inclusive ,and operational.

Often the role of the youth is ceremonial or relegated to social media ,and communication while they have the capacity to engage in the decision making processes. The Global Fund Youth Council is working with young people to bring out the unique perspective ,and collate inputs on how services can be improved for young people including young key populations. Young people will work with the Global Fund on innovative, person centered approaches to reach young people in all their diversity affected by the three diseases.


Now is the time to fight for what counts, to get back on track to ending the pandemics so the beat loudly ,and proudly continues for healthy communities and a more equitable world free from fear of deadly infections.

To join the network of young people engaged in the Global Fund replenishment fill in your details in the link here 

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