CategoriesGFAN Africa

GFAN Africa and Global Fund are working together to ensure successful 7 th Replenishment of
the Global Fund as 2022 is the Replenishment year for the period 2023-2025. These are in
support of President Joe Biden's decision to host the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment
Conference in the United States in the second half of 2022. The Conference, held every three
years, convenes leaders from governments, civil society, the private sector and communities
affected by the three most devastating infectious diseases.
Global Fund is co-hosting the Preparatory Meeting with their Excellency’s the Presidents of the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of Kenya, the Republic of Rwanda, the
Republic of Senegal and the Republic of South Africa, virtually on the 23-24 th of February 2022
from 1:00 to 4:00 PM CET.
The Preparatory Meeting will bring the Global Fund partnership together to review its 20 years
of impact and lay the groundwork for its Seventh Replenishment. It will provide the opportunity
for governments, non-governmental organizations, civil society, multilateral and bilateral
agencies, private foundations, the private sector, and affected communities to discuss what it will
take to achieve the vision of a world free of HIV, TB, and malaria. Participants will also discuss
how the partnership can contribute to making the world better prepared to face future pandemics.
The Seventh Replenishment Investment Case will be launched at this meeting.
GFAN Africa will host a series of Civil Society Pre-Preparatory Meetings, which will bring
Global Fund advocates together to reflect on 20 years of impact, review the Seventh
Replenishment Investment Case, discuss messages, and plan of action. The Civil Society Pre-
Preparatory sessions will be held on 21&22 nd of February as a hybrid meeting in Nairobi-Kenya.
Provision is made for an Africa Civil Society organizations meeting to hold National Meetings
between 16-18 th of February in 5 co-hosting countries. This will provide the opportunity for
communities and civil society in these countries to reflect on the Global Fund’s 20 years of
impact, plan and support country activities, and briefing on the Seventh Replenishment and firm
up campaign plan/strategy.

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