GFAN Africa together with UNAIDS and the Embassy of France in Kenya & Somalia organized a high profile panel discussion and cocktail on the 6th replenishment of the Global Fund. The theme was “Stepping Up the Fight to End the Epidemics of HIV, TB and Malaria 6th Replenishment of the Global Fund: a key moment to raise additional resources for the global goal to end the epidemics of HIV, TB and Malaria”. The host was Her Excellency Mrs Aline Kuster-Ménager the Ambassador of France to Kenya & Somalia who gave the welcome address.
The purpose of the event was to showcase the benefits of the Global Fund to Kenya and to make a case for the need for a successful 6th replenishment. The event took place at the French Embassy in Nairobi on 25th July. The panelists were a representative of the Ministry of Finance in Kenya, The Global Fund, Community affected by the three diseases and the UN.
Invited participants to the meeting were donors, Civil Society, Government representatives, Global Fund Country Coordination Mechanism, Communities, UN and the media.
Discussants noted that tremendous progress has been made in Kenya to defeat HIV, TB, malaria with the support of the Global Fund. Kenya has come from a situation where there was absolutely no treatment for HIV to having more than 1 million people on ARV treatment. Despite the progress, there are funding gaps, hence there is need for a successful replenishment of the Global Fund to raise at least 14 billion, close the funding gaps to sustain the progress made so far, and scale up interventions. We must defeat the three diseases so that the next generation should not have to worry about them.