CategoriesArticle GFAN Africa

Together with WACI Health and AHF Kenya, GFAN Africa visited the Embassy of Japan in Kenya, met His Excellency Ambassador Ryoichi Horie and thanked him for Japan’s early & increased pledge of $840 million for the 6th replenishment of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Explaining that the contribution by Japan will save millions of lives, Dr Kinyanjui the Executive Director of AHF Kenya said that Japan is commendable for global health leaderships. This contribution will help save 16 million lives and get us closer to achieving SDG3 on the health and wellbeing of all.

H E Ambassador Horie re-stated Japan’s interest and commitment to global health adding that Japan collaborates with the Government of Kenya and countries in the region in health. He mentioned that health will be one of the areas of focus during the upcoming TICAD 7 meeting in Yokohama on 28th August 2019.

Thank you Japan!

by GFAN Africa

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