CategoriesArticle GFAN Africa

In 2002, Finland joined hands with other governments, the private sector, civil society and people affected by HIV, TB and malaria to form the Global Fund.

The strategy of the Global Fund is strongly aligned with Finland’s principles and objectives to support the efforts of implementing countries to eradicate poverty and inequality and to promote sustainable development, with emphasis on the rights of women and girls and on the strengthening of countries’ economy to promote employment, better livelihoods and well-being.

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On 31 July, GFAN Africa wrote letters Aino-Kaisa Pekonen Minister for Social Affairs and Health and to Ville Skinnari Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade for Finland. In the letters sent to them directly, and through consulates and high commissions in countries across Africa, we acknowledged Finland’s support to the Global Fund since 2002.

In the letters we asked for Finland’s renewed commitment and support to the global fight against HIV, TB and Malaria – three of the world’s largest infectious disease killers, accounting for 3 million deaths in 2017 alone. In the letter we, emphasized that we must end the pain, disempowerment, stigma, illness and deaths resulting from HIV, TB and Malaria.

The following countries joined in the day of actin for Finland by delivering and sending letters to embassies and consulates of Finland Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Cameroon, Guinea Bissau, Eswatini, Ghana and South Africa. This was followed by tweeter action and Facebook posts urging Finland to #stepupthefight

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