Civil society and communities from around the world are meeting over the next few days in the lead up to the replenishment conference. This is in the lead up to the largest funding request to Global Fund donors requesting an increase the resources pledged to the Global Fund
The purpose of the meeting was to reflect on the impact of the global fund and the pitfalls if we are unable to raise the minimum amount of 18 billion in order to get back on track to ending HIV TB and Malaria. It is an opportunity that created a safe space where honest conversations can be had.
Testimonies from the civil society highlighted that the Global fund has invested resources to enable communities and key populations to access to prevention. diagnosis and treatment services. Some of the tools and commodities mentioned include mosquito nets, rapid diagnostic tests and new treatment regimens that improve the quality of life for many patients. They have supported community and key population participation in the country coordinating mechanisms facilitating the strengthening of community systems and community led monitoring which improves accountability.
The investments have been keen to ensure no one is left behind including communities that live in rural areas and may have a harder time to access the services, People who use Drugs (PWUD), refugees, sex workers and the LGBTIA+ community who in some countries may not be traditionally included in national budgets. These life saving interventions are key to ensuring that we get back on track to ending the epidemics through a people centred approach
In the lead up to the pledging conference, communities and civil society are reaching out leaders globally to remind them that without their increased investment into health, backtracking of human rights and access to essential services is inevitable. This will have a snow balling effect that will include less sensitization, treatment and prevention services. The people centred approach will crumble as Funding for community led monitoring, organisations and networks will disappear while reducing the time we have to respond to the looming microbial resistance making it treatment harder and more expensive.
Ultimately more death, unnecessary loss of life.
As we continue drum beating towards a successful replenishment, we call on all communities and civil society to reach out to their leaders and ensure increased allocations and resources towards domestic resources for health.
Every life counts, every voice counts and every cent counts.
Invest In the Global Fund to save lives. #MeetTheTarget