CategoriesGFAN Africa

Preparatory Meeting of the Seventh Replenishment of the Global Fund

Civil Society for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME), Global Fund Advocates Network Africa (GFAN Africa),
Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP), along with communities and civil society living
with, affected by and vulnerable to HIV, TB and malaria extends our heartiest congratulations to their
Excellencies, the Presidents of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Kenya, the Republic
of Rwanda, the Republic of Senegal and the Republic of South Africa for hosting the Preparatory
Meeting of the Seventh Replenishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
(Global Fund).
The Global Fund Seventh Replenishment Preparatory Meeting which will take place on the 23rd and
24th of February 2022, marks an important milestone in the Replenishment cycle of the Global Fund
with the launching of the Investment Case. Following the first time a Preparatory Meeting was hosted
by an implementing country, the Republic of India, for the Sixth Replenishment in 2019, this will be

the first time in the 20 years history of the Global Fund whereby five implementing countries are co-
hosting the Preparatory Meeting – a clear indication of the crucial role played by implementing

countries and the support towards the Global Fund even as we continue in our fight against HIV, TB
and malaria as epidemics amidst COVID-19.

The Global Fund Advocates Network (GFAN) in its “Fully Fund the Global Fund: Get Back on Track to
End AIDS, TB and Malaria in a COVID World” report estimates that to close the gaps and get back on
track the HIV, TB and Malaria responses, the Global Fund will need at least USD 28.5 billion for the
period 2023-2025, which includes USD 1.5 billion to support community-led programmes that are the
foundation of success.
Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, national and global HIV, TB and malaria investments and
responses were not on track to achieve 2030 targets. The pandemic exacerbated the situation by
diverting limited resources and disrupted the access to and provision of health services across the
world, threatening to reverse the hard-earned gains achieved against the three diseases. Between
April and September 2020, compared to the same six-month period in 2019, HIV testing fell by 41%;
TB referrals declined by 59%; and malaria diagnoses fell by 31%. The effects if not urgently and
adequately addressed, will push the three responses off track and will prevent us from achieving 2030

The decisive responses of the Global Fund to COVID-19, through its 5% Grant Flexibilities and COVID-
19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) initiatives, ensured that implementing countries including low- and

lower-middle income nations are supported to not only fight COVID-19 but also to protect progress
against HIV, TB and malaria. In the face of the worst health emergency in recent world history,
community systems supported and strengthened by the Global Fund over the past 20 years proved
their indispensability by linking key and vulnerable populations to HIV, TB and malaria services during
lockdowns and curfews and ensuring continued services, preventing disruptions.
The collaborative hosting of the Global Fund Seventh Replenishment by Global Fund implementing
countries: the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Kenya, the Republic of Rwanda, the Republic of Senegal and the Republic of South Africa is a strong call for all stakeholders of the Global
Fund to rally towards a successful Seventh Replenishment to fight the three diseases, support
community-led programmes that are the foundation of success, achieve Universal Health Coverage
(UHC) for key and vulnerable populations, protect and promote human rights and gender equality,
and create resilient and sustainable systems for health.
CS4ME, GFAN Africa, and GFAN AP, along with communities and civil society from our regions express
our full support to the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Kenya, the Republic of Rwanda,
the Republic of Senegal and the Republic of South Africa and the Global Fund for a successful Seventh
Replenishment Preparatory Meeting and urge all donors and stakeholders to join forces to contribute
to this global cause because…


Invest in TB. Save Lives

Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of death from a single infectious disease. About a quarter of the world’s population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Consequently, a proportion of 5-10% of the 2 billion people will develop TB in their lifetime, with increased probability among people living with HIV and among people affected by risk factors such as undernutrition, diabetes, smoking, and alcohol consumption. However, TB is treatable and curable and it is projected that with adequate programming and funding for TB, it is possible to end the killer disease by 2030. Despite this, the current trends in achieving the milestones remain quite wanting.

In the wake of the COVID 19 pandemic, the TB response suffered devastating effects and recording a loss in progress for the first time in 20 years. It was reported by the Global Fund that there was an 18% drop in the number of people treated for TB in 2020. The same trend can be seen across other programmatic areas. The data was evaluated against 2019 results. The most immediate effect of the huge decline in the number of people diagnosed with TB was an increase in the number of people who died on TB in 2020.

Inadequate financing for TB remains the biggest barrier to achieving the targets to End TB by 2030, as highlighted in the Global End TB milestones which were developed during the 2018 United Nations High-Level Meeting on TB. At the meeting, world leaders pledged to deliver at least US$2 billion annually for TB research, of which US$550 million was assigned for vaccines. Despite these commitments, there is an annual shortfall for TB research funding of US$1.3 billion. This has been exacerbated by the pandemic as the limited financing that was available was stretched to its limits.

Never waste a good crisis” has been the post pandemic rallying call as we look to take lessons from the COVID 19 pandemic response and use them to ensure that END TB goals are met. Key among the lessons learnt is the need for adequate mobilization of funding to develop new TB vaccines as the current Vaccine in use was developed 100 years ago and has severe treatment limitations.

It is clear that the only way out is through. We can only end the pandemics if we invest in ending them and invest more than we ever have. To make progress in reducing the burden of tuberculosis disease, there needs to be adequate and sustainable funding for TB diagnosis, treatment, prevention, research, development and innovations globally and nationally. Adequate funding can be achieved through ensuring a fully funded the Global fund to End HIV TB and Malaria and through increased allocation of domestic resources for health for National TB response including funding for TB research development and innovation.

2022 presents a great opportunity to re commit to the national and global collective efforts of ending TB through pledging increased contributions to the Global Fund. A bold and necessary step towards ensuring reversal of the gains lost in the pandemic and to accelerate our progress towards ending TB by 2030.

The WHO World TB Day Theme, “Invest to End TB. Save Lives” is a timely reminder that to prevent the loss of lives to a preventable and curable disease we need to invest more to End

CategoriesGFAN Africa

The Seventh Replenishment

GFAN Africa and Global Fund are working together to ensure successful 7 th Replenishment of
the Global Fund as 2022 is the Replenishment year for the period 2023-2025. These are in
support of President Joe Biden's decision to host the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment
Conference in the United States in the second half of 2022. The Conference, held every three
years, convenes leaders from governments, civil society, the private sector and communities
affected by the three most devastating infectious diseases.
Global Fund is co-hosting the Preparatory Meeting with their Excellency’s the Presidents of the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of Kenya, the Republic of Rwanda, the
Republic of Senegal and the Republic of South Africa, virtually on the 23-24 th of February 2022
from 1:00 to 4:00 PM CET.
The Preparatory Meeting will bring the Global Fund partnership together to review its 20 years
of impact and lay the groundwork for its Seventh Replenishment. It will provide the opportunity
for governments, non-governmental organizations, civil society, multilateral and bilateral
agencies, private foundations, the private sector, and affected communities to discuss what it will
take to achieve the vision of a world free of HIV, TB, and malaria. Participants will also discuss
how the partnership can contribute to making the world better prepared to face future pandemics.
The Seventh Replenishment Investment Case will be launched at this meeting.
GFAN Africa will host a series of Civil Society Pre-Preparatory Meetings, which will bring
Global Fund advocates together to reflect on 20 years of impact, review the Seventh
Replenishment Investment Case, discuss messages, and plan of action. The Civil Society Pre-
Preparatory sessions will be held on 21&22 nd of February as a hybrid meeting in Nairobi-Kenya.
Provision is made for an Africa Civil Society organizations meeting to hold National Meetings
between 16-18 th of February in 5 co-hosting countries. This will provide the opportunity for
communities and civil society in these countries to reflect on the Global Fund’s 20 years of
impact, plan and support country activities, and briefing on the Seventh Replenishment and firm
up campaign plan/strategy.