The GFF We Want
The GFF We Want is a platform for Civil society in the GFF implementing countries which begun in 2018, which aims to leverage the knowledge and capacity of the civil society coalitions working on the GFF to capture lessons learned, identify best practices and strengthen cross- learning by leveraging key relationships and moments including the GFF Resource Mobilization Campaign to drive country level work and global commitments to mobilize resources and ensure the success of the GFF. The GFF We Want has been implementing key activities to support the GFF resource mobilization throughout 2021. The campaign has leveraged key moments such as Generation Equality Forum, United Nations General Assembly and looking forward to the Nutrition for Growth. The Global Civil Society coordinating Group Jointly with the GFF We Want launched the GFF Wall of Fame in September 2021. The GFF Wall of Fame is a virtual platform which aims to highlight and celebrate GFF successes, including: donor commitments, country government commitments, CSO and youth contributions to results in GFF countries, and other GFF progress. Here are a few stories of impact which can be found on the GFF We Want Wall of Fame;
● In April 2019, Côte d'Ivoire launched a nationwide dialogue about health financing.
FENOS-CI was one of the key actors and stakeholders from the health sector involved in
discussions that led to creating the National Platform for the Coordination of Health
Financing (PNCFS). The 1.658 trillion CFA Franc investment envelope supported three
Civil Society bodies: an investment committee, a technical secretariat, and technical
working groups. Funding will be directed to the communities' needs through the
platform, strengthening the Ivorian health system. As a result of the National Dialogue
meeting, the investment file was created, giving the donors a framework for funding the
healthcare priorities of their sectors.
● GFF processes assisted youth-led organizations and policymakers at the local and
national levels in Kenya to reduce duplication of resources and enhance effective
advocacy through SMART Health Policy leadership training. In addition to the FP 2030
commitments, the national Scaling Up Nutrition strategy (2021-2025) and the
reproductive health policy (2020-2030) were developed due to knowledge gained from
this project. The partners will collaborate closely to increase county FP budgets during
the next financial year.
● As part of the Youth and Adolescents Health Forum, UYAHF fosters youth advocacy and
research initiatives that improve access to, demand, and uptake youth-friendly services
and collects evidence about young people's experiences with youth-friendly services.
The youth advocacy plan and coordinated action plan were developed based on this
evidence. As a result of this study, young people contribute to, inform, and influence
decision-making processes. Youths are also using the evidence to highlight the lack of
youth-friendly services in lower health facilities, lack of short-term family planning
services. Based on the evidence, a cost-effective implementation plan for family
planning in Uganda is being evaluated. It is important to note that now young people
can hold policy makers for their promises and demands for improved health care for
adolescents at the district and national levels. In Eastern Mbale, Busia, Tororo, and
Butalejja districts, UYAHF, in partnership with the Eastern Regional Youth Network, has
held several district-level policy dialogues to improve access to youth-friendly sexual
and reproductive health services. As a result, in Butalejja, the district has agreed to
provide family planning services, condom distribution, HIV tests, and GBV screening at
trading centers with funds from the PHC non-wage budget and the RBF. At Butalejja,
policymakers from the chief's office participated in a dialogue with education, health,
production, cultural, and religious leaders and teachers, students, and media experts.