GFAN Africa Leaders Lay Out Plans for 2020
On 10 – 11 February 2020, GFAN Africa leaders from across the continent held their strategy meeting in Nairobi, Kenya. It was a reunion to take stock of 2019 and plan for 2020 going forward.
Acknowledging and appreciating the great efforts and partnerships in the work towards the 6th replenishment of the Global Fund, participants agreed to sustain the moment in 2020. Click here for a summary of our activities for 2019.
The rallying call was on the need to be in intentional in urging implementing countries to invest increased resources in health for health systems strengthening, to defeat diseases, and to save lives. This work should encompass broad health investments which are of high impact.
In her remarks, Ms Linda Mafu, the head of Civil Society and Political Advocacy at the Global Fund reminded participants on the dire need to invest in criminalized populations and young women and girls. “Girls aged 15 – 24 years are most affected by HIV with an unacceptable high number of new infections” She noted with deep concern. She urged for all efforts to stop the new infections. She added that interventions and information for young girls and women as well as criminalized populations must be packaged in a way that is appropriate for them.
In planning for 2020, participants agreed to build on the successes of 2019 which were realized through strong team work, meticulous planning and a strong desire for better health outcomes. It was agreed that there is need for broader engagement with continental and regional blocks such as AfDB SADAC, COMESA, ECOWAS and the EAC. Key moments, disease days, regional and global meetings will be avenues for advocacy towards increased domestic resources for health to achieve universal healthcare coverage and Sustainable Development Goal 3 on the health and wellbeing for all.
Other key activities for 2020 are training of Civil Society health advocates on budget advocacy; reaching out to governments so that their pledges towards the 6th replenishments are converted to contributions. And ensuring that implementing countries give their matching funds to achieve the desired results.
While agreeing that the 7th replenishment of the Global Fund is only 3 years away, participants agreed to take time to plan on replenishment activities and to actively participate in the upcoming development of the Global Fund strategy.