
On a Mission

GFAN Africa were joined by other CSOs for a visit to the Kenya Embassy in New York on 27 April 2019

On 29th April, members of GFAN Africa participated in the interactive multi-stakeholder hearing at the UN HLM on UHC. The discussions were timely and crucial realizing that investing in UHC drives the progress of all health-related targets as well as across several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

While in New York, GFAN Africa together with GFAN Asia Pacific visited the Embassies of Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Sweden, and Zambia. In their key asks, GFAN pressed on the importance of people-centered UHC programs and use of progressive taxation to fund UHC, reducing out-of-pocket expenditures. Leave no one behind!

GFAN advocates also asked the respective missions to increase their domestic resources for health as well as pledge ahead of the 6th Global Fund replenishment. By 2017, over 27 million lives were saved through the Global Fund programs. Without significant increase in funding, the world will not be on track to end HIV, TB and Malaria.

The UN HLM on UHC will take place in September 2019. The donors and missions are to rally their respective Head of State to attend.